photo by RALPH
This month’s Local Legend is 75 year old Paul Hamblet from Seabrook Beach, New Hampshire.
I’ve known Paul since the early 70’s, and there’s a pretty good chance that I may have bumped into him a few times since I first surfed the Wall in 1966. I’m talking about out in the water, or on the beaches that we both surfed. And the one thing I can say about Paul is, he was one of the best surfers around for a very long time. There were many days that I can clearly recall out at the Wall, or Seabrook Beach, or any of the Right breaking points, that I would look over and see Paul on one of the better waves of the day. And not just being on the best wave, but actually surfing it with style. Paul was one of the best.

In fact, next to Kevin Grondin, I saw Paul Hamblet get so many tubes and legit barrels, that I lost count over the years. I’m not kidding. He was that good and that consistent.
I mean he just always seemed to be getting barreled. Every time I looked down the beach, I would see Paul pulling into another barrel and doing so with style and grace. The tall lanky surfer from Seabrook Beach that honed his skills from the sandy shores of Seabrook Beach, to the some of the best West Coast spots in California.

Paul started surfing in 1961 and immediately became a standout on Seabrook Beach. There was no one who could surf on a longboard like Paul in the early 60’s. When I asked about his tube riding skills recently, he told me he would pick a maneuver and work on it over and over again until he had it down. He mentioned the kick stall, which is paramount to getting inside the barrel. Watch any good tube/barrel rider today and you will see that subtle move being used.
Applying the brakes ever so slightly will get you in the perfect position to get inside the wave. And make no mistake about it, getting barreled will always be a contemporary move in surfing. It will never go out of style. Not in competition, or in the free surfing world. And Paul knew how to get barreled. He caught my eye that’s for sure.

Back in the early 60’s Paul became a Lifeguard at Jeness Beach in Rye, NH. And back in the early days of surfing in Rye there were strict restrictions. You had to have a “Surf Vest” and a ID card to prove that you paid and were properly registered to surf in Rye. One day while he was on duty, there was a small swell running when the chief pulled up and saw about 14 surfers a little too close to the swimmers. Paul insisted that he had things under control, but the Chief wanted those surfers out of the water. Paul looked at the Chief and said “Well you have a bigger problem now chief. There’s going to be 15 surfers out in the water, because I quit.” And just like that, Paul Hamblet quit being a Lifeguard at Jeness Beach and joined his fellow surfers in the line up. Paul did mention to me during this interview that he was always kind of a troublemaker and a rebel.
But Paul was quick to point out that Chief lifeguards Jimmy Donahue and Dan Stone were both instrumental in allowing surfing at North Beach (The Wall) in the early 60’s. Jimmy Donahue like Paul, was a surfer himself and he understood the passion that is surfing.

And that passion for surfing took Paul up and down the East Coast as well as the West Coast and down into Mexico, and over the Caribbean (Puerto Rico, Barbados etc), and he was one of the first surfers from New England to surf in the Bahamas.

He has surfed all the biggest swells in New England since the 60’s. But the swell that really stands out in his mind is Hurricane Faith in 1966. Somewhere there lies hidden in a box in someone’s attic or basement is a reel to reel 8mm movies of Paul surfing out at Seabrook Beach on a longboard. And let me just say, that if Paul is claiming that this storm and swell, was the best he’s ever seen? That has merit in my book. My only hope is that whoever has this missing footage, to please make it available for my documentary SURF FREE OR DIE The History of New Hampshire Surfing.
I have footage of Paul surfing the Wall back in the 70’s and 80’s. I also have footage of him surfing some serious 8-10’ point surf. But I would love to get my hands on the Hurricane Faith footage from 1966 with Paul Hamblet surfing on a longboard.
I like to ask the question of Where and What was your worse wipeout to the Local Legends.? Paul’s worse wipeout happened on the West Coast at a spot called Glascomb’s Reef. That’s where he was pushed inside a watery cave and almost drowned. It was a big day (8-12’) when he ate it on a big wave and was pushed into and under an open cave along the cliff at Glascomb’s Reef. It was there that he thought to himself “I could probably die here.” It took the heroic efforts of some of his surf buddies to tie together several knotted towels that they threw down to Paul in the cave and hauled him up along the steep cliffs. “I tore my legs and stomach to shreds along that rocky cliff. But they got me out of there. It was pretty hairy.” He told me.
Man, trapped inside a cave? That sounded scary.
This pic below is of the NH & ME Brothers who surfed the RANCH in California in 2002. From left to right: Sitting Charlie Daly, Brad Henderson, Ralph, Paul Hamblet, Stan Bocko, and Ron Freeman. That was a great trip.

One of the things about Paul that people who know him well (myself included) will point out is that he’s a very funny individual. I mean he’s really funny. For years he would call me with a bunch of crazy ideas that would have me laughing my fool head off. He’s funny and he’s smart. Paul is a 1970 graduate of the University of Miami. So he’s pretty well versed in the world of surfing. Like most true hardcore surfers of his age and background he knows his way around the surf magazines and surf movies. Ironically we both have a mutual respect and admiration for Shaun Tomson and how he showed the world in 75’ on how to ride and turn inside the barrel. He innocently called Kelly Slater a kid. I had to remind him “That kid is 50 years old.”
But as far as the history of surfing and his total recall of obscure surf names and legends he is second to none. He knows what he’s talking about. In fact, we used to play this game throughout the 80’s and 90’s where he would call me after a surf session and say “Ralph I have to tell you, that last wave you got? You reminded me of Cheer Chritchlow.” To which I would spit my coffee out through my nose. Only a person who read the magazines (SURFER and SURFING) from cover to cover would know who the hell Cheer Chritchlow was. Talk about obscure surfers.
So for years that became our thing. I would call him after we surfed and say “Man that one drop you got? That was so much like Tiger Espere.” And he would crack up and hit me with “Thanks for pointing that out. I did feel a little like Tiger on that wave. You know Ralph I was gonna say that cutback you did out there tonight reminded me so much of Regis Jupinko.”
And we would do this for years. Just an inside joke between a couple of old surfers who absorbed everything about the sport/lifestyle that we both gleaned from the mags. Like I said, Paul is a very funny man. And nobody is safe from his quick wit and humor.
Nobody that is, but his family. He’s pretty proud of his three kids (twin girls and a son) and his five grandkids. And being a grandfather, I can relate. He would have talked for hours on the accomplishments of his grandkids alone. His surfing DNA has already spread to his nephew Kenny Sakurai. Kenny was (is) one of the best surfers in NH. Having an uncle like Paul didn’t hurt. Paul hasn’t surfed much in the last few years. But he said he’s going to get out there this summer. I hope I’m around when he does. I’d love to get some pics of him surfing, and I’d love to share a few waves with him again. I just hope he holds back on the jokes, I don’t want to fall off my board laughing at some of his hilarious one liners. I could get hurt at my age. Can't you just just picture it.
“Hey Ralph you looked just like Mimi Munro on that last left you caught!”

This is Nick Africano local member of the HFD at the Wall in May of 2008. That's a pretty nice looking Wall wave there Nick.
Photo by Ed O'Connell
*Click the photo above to see a larger version of Ed's Pic.
I'm hoping this is not gonna end up like COVID. I mean come on. MONKEY POX? This some kind of a cruel joke? We have not gotten over COVID now we gotta deal with MONKEY POX?

Some of you already know that, but I've had some experience with Monkeys. And it was not good. Not even close.

My monkey's name was JO JO and it's also the title of the book I'm writing. "DON'T EVER BUY A F***ING MONKEY." It's a bunch of true short stories that have happened to me in the last 7 decades.
I'm writing as fast as I can. I'm hoping to get my book published before this MONKEY POX thing goes away.

After beating the BUCKS in game 7 they have been in a back and forth battle with the Miami Heat. They are currently down 2-1. The game on Monday night May 23rd will be telling. They need to win this next game. Come on C's LET'S GO!!
I agreed to do a photo/art/graphic design exhibit at the local Hampton LANE MEMORIAL Library next month. I'm calling it The Art Of Surfing. I will do a meet and greet on Saturday June 4th, 2022 at 12:30 PM and my art will be on display for the whole month of June. I've never had my own art/photo exhibit before.
So if you're in the area drop by the WEBSTER GALLERY in Hampton, NH to see some of my work. And if you really want a laugh, stop by the reception and listen to me spew forth some of my infinite wisdom about my work and life. I promise I'll try to make you laugh. It should be fun.

Dan Lanio Memorial Scholarship Fund
Please Donate to this Timmy Sheridan GO FUND ME page.

*Please click on the image above to read more and to make a donation to this GoFund Me page in memory of Timmy Sheridan.
KSM Photoshop of the Week
Bet some of you saw this one coming. I have friends who are forever trying to plant seeds in my head with each KSM post. My brother Tony is one of them. He loves KSM and he can read me like a book. He knew I'd be all over this Monkey Pox bullshit. Like I tell Tony and everyone else, this shit writes itself each week. I'm just the damn Monkey who does the Photoshop each week. (See what I did there? Calling myself a monkey). Anyway, yeah Ole Khaliddy got his ass mixed up in the Pox. Not sure what a scum bag terrorist would be doing with a primate, but then again, that's the beauty of these weekly KSM posts. You just don't know.
Now Git Yer Monkey Ass Out Of My Face!

And so my friends, please take advantage of this weekly photo shop of the mastermind who planned 9-11 and resulted in the deaths of 3,000 innocent civilians by KSM (Khalid Sheik Mohammed).
*Note to self -must pick up a case of BANANAS at
Home Depot This Week.
REST IN PEACE George Banks 1959-2022
George was a unique individual. He was funny, creative, talented, and had a zest for life, that was unparalleled among his peers.
And he had a close friend in Rich Appel, who is really going to miss him. The two of them have been friends for as long as I can remember. When George got sick, Rich was there for him. You can't ask for much more than that kind of friendship.
You went too soon George, but you left behind quite a few stories that will long echo in your absence, and your friends won't ever forget you. Especially Rich. Rest easy George. Rest easy.

HAPPY 73rd BIRTHDAY Peter Stokes May 22, 2022!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Brylee Welch May 22nd, 2022!
PLEASE KEEP Mr. Ritchie (father of Gary and Billy) in your thoughts and prayers.
GET WELL SOON to local surfer Mike Keefe! You'll be back in the water before you know it Mike. Just rest up and get stronger brother. We Love you!
PLEASE Keep local Surfer/Musician Pete Kowalski in your thoughts and prayers throughout the year.
And Please Keep local surfer Bill M. In your thoughts and prayers.
Support ALL The photographers who contribute to
Ralph's Pic Of The Week every week for the last 18 years.
** BUY a HIGH RES Photo
from any of the weeks on RPOTW.
my friends... Surfing Heals All Wounds.
Pray for Surf. Pray for Peace. Surf For Fun.

It's always fun coming across these old pics. This is me and the late Mike Normand from 1968 across the street from Lynn Beach. My father Gus took the photo. He used to take me and my friends surfing all the time. That's our old Ford Station wagon next to Mike. That "Beach Wagon" took our family everywhere. From the beach to the lake. I miss those days.
Photo by Gus Fatello

I kept a daily Blog on my CATCH A WAVE FOR MOLLY surf campaign, when I surfed every single day for 365 consecutive days. Click on the Banner above to read entries of my daily journey. There's some really interesting and true experiences
that happened during that year. Some of which are to this day, unexplainable. Some are just mind blowing. But all true.
I started on July 26th, 2010 and ended on July 26th, 2011.
Some rainy Sunday, pour yourself a cup and go through the journal.
Pay close attention to the month of May in 2011. Read that month and let me know what you think of that. Be forewarned it will change you forever.

(Above) Three strikes and you're out Ralph. This guy only caught a few
waves and left due to an injury; Kevin "DOC" Grondin. The MDW SWELL
May 8th-13th, 2022. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Matt Colby inside top turn.
The MDW SWELL May 8th-13th, 2022. Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) MVF. The MDW SWELL May 8th-13th, 2022. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Perry Reynolds. MDW SWELL May 8th-13th, 2022.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

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If you love the Beatles and you love the guitar
click on this ad above for a great band.

The BEST guitar tech on the planet.

(Above) Kody Grondin. MDW SWELL May 8th-13th, 2022.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Shayne Forsely MDW SWELL May 8th-13th, 2022.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Cam MacLeod backing into a Mother's Day Greeting.
The MDW SWELL May 8th-13th, 2022. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) My son-in-law Peter Rizzo getting a beefy burger.
The MDW SWELL May 8th-13th, 2022. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Tyler Moore heading out with more stoke than a 16 yr old Grom.
The MDW SWELL May 8th-13th, 2022. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) This is a good cuttie Mackey V. (He made it. It's a VFG from the video so watch it and see for yourself). The MDW SWELL May 8th-13th, 2022. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) My son-in-law Pete Rizzo jamming a nice cutback.
The MDW SWELL May 8th-13th, 2022. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The boys. Mackey, Kenny, and Kody.
The MDW SWELL May 8th-13th, 2022. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery